Project FeederWatch
Project FeederWatch is a joint research and education project of the Cornell Lab of Ornithology and Bird Studies Canada. From November through early April, FeederWatchers periodically count the birds they see at their feeders and send their counts to Project FeederWatch. The data collected helps scientists track the movements of winter bird populations and monitor trends in bird distribution and abundance.
Wild Birds Unlimited is a proud sponsor of Project FeederWatch.
Cornell Lab of Ornithology
Cornell Lab of Ornithology is dedicated to advancing the understanding and protection of the natural world, the Cornell Lab joins with people from all walks of life to make new scientific discoveries, share insights, and galvanize conservation action. Cornell also maintains All About Birds an online bird guide with bird ID help, life history, bird sounds, and more. It's our go-to for the best information on birds!
The Heard Natural Science Museum & Wildlife Sanctuary 
The Heard Natural Science Museum & Wildlife Sanctuary, in McKinney Texas, is the result of Bessie Heard’s vision for the future and her commitment to the community and North Texas.
Founded in 1967, the Heard consists of a 289-acre wildlife sanctuary and a natural science museum for the primary purpose of educating children about nature. The Heard exists to bring nature and people together to discover, enjoy, experience, restore, and preserve our priceless environment.
The Heard’s purpose is threefold: education, conservation, and preservation. In keeping with Miss Heard’s vision, Heard Natural Science Museum & Wildlife Sanctuary emphasizes an appreciation of nature and its conservation through education. The emphasis of the Heard’s education programs is children; however, the Heard also offers programs that will interest visitors of any age.
Prairie and Timbers Audubon Society
The Prairie and Timbers Audubon Society help the preservation of wildlife habitat through financial and volunteer support of North Texas bird-oriented organizations such as Heard Museum, Hagerman National Wildlife Refuge, Connemara Meadow, Lake Lewisville Environmental Learning Area, and Blackland Prairie Raptor Center. They provide for public education and enjoyment of birds and the environment through programs at monthly meetings, bird identification, classes, beginners bird walks, birding field trips, newsletters. and other birding activities in the North Texas area.
Blackland Prairie Raptor Center 
Blackland Prairie Raptor Center is dedicated to environmental preservation through public education and the conservation of birds of prey and wildlife in their natural habitat. Named after the tallgrass prairie that once covered more than 23,500 square miles of Texas from the Red River to San Antonio, Blackland Prairie Raptor Center is a rehabilitation and conservation education organization, specializing in fostering a better public understanding of the relationship between birds of prey and healthy ecosystems.